About UMLAUT connect seals and citations

connect and umlaut own the following word/figurative marks:

Umlaut-connect-BEST IN TEST Logo.jpg
Umlaut-connect-OUTSTANDING Logo.jpg
Umlaut-connect-VERY GOOD Logo.jpg

Operators can obtain a license to use the seals through connect. If you are interested, please get in touch with Mr. Thomas Richter. He can provide both a presentation on the conditions of use and an order form.

General conditions
The publisher owns the word/figurative mark

entered under registration number 30 2013 041 66 86 with the German Patent and Trademark Office and has been using this logo since 1993 with outstanding market Penetration.  


The publisher grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, territory-limited right, to use the trademark

for mobile networks examined and evaluated by the publisher in the operator's country in the media agreed on.
The right to use requires a written license agreement between operator and Publisher.
The right to use requires an agreed form of presentation.
The publisher provides the licensee with the logo in a readable format.
The licensee is prohibited from changing the proportions of the individual logo elements, the composition of colour and font type and the content and language of the text.


Other duties, liabilities and exemptions
The licensee guarantees the integrity of the advertising. In particular, he shall ensure that the use of the trademark in advertising does not lead to any misconceptions or delusions among consumers regarding the assessment of the mobile networks. Advertising with the test result may only be associated with products to which the test result applies.


Usage of Claims
Operators can state whatever they want, as long as neither umlaut nor connect are mentioned.
Operators can cite whatever is mentioned in public statements, press releases or reports from umlaut and connect in a way which does not lead to misinterpretations and in agreement with the press law or any other applicable law of the test's country.
Acceptable claims from PBMs or CBMs typically are:
- Operator achieved “best in test” award
- Operator achieved the highest score
- Operator achieved best test score in either one of the following:
voice, data, voice or data in or on cities, towns, roads, railways. walktests or in any combination of those, as long as the claims are true and not misleading
Statements like the following are not covered by the test and therefore not supported by connect:
- Best network
- Number One network
- Best operators
- Fastest network, largest network, greatest network etc.